Swallow on a line

swallowIt’s been a really amazing day today, and I’ve been out doing some general sight-seeing with some visitors. One of the visitors was getting rather tired of us pointing out what a nice day it was, but it’s hard not to when you live in Scotland (also, it became something of a joke to do it as often as possible 🙂 ). I managed to get a really nice shot (well, I was pleased) of a swallow on a telephone line, and so I thought I would take this opportunity to post it here. Maybe I’ll even start a “Photograph of the month” theme, but I may not actually have enough good photographs to do so.

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19 Responses to Swallow on a line

  1. Eli Rabett says:

    Birds on wires are one of the most astounding evolutionary developments of the past 150 years. It is about the only place they can be safe from cats, and, of course, windmills:)

  2. Jim Hunt says:

    Assuming a broad “wildlife” theme, this from further south:

  3. We are fortunate to have both swallows and house martens nesting around our house—with swifts making regular fly-bys. Two swallows have a nest about a foot above the window where I sit at my computer, so my typing is often interrupted as they fly straight at the window and then pull up at the last moment to land on the nest. Then, when they leave the nest, they dive straight down past the window to build up air speed before pulling back on the stick to level out their flight.

    They bring great joy to me, especially when the young first leave the nest and they all perch in a row on the window sill, then launch off for their first short flight which is usually a 10′ radius circle back to the window ledge.

    I have a picture of a parent bird feeding a fledgling which I’ll try to find and post later.

  4. BBD says:

    Well, someone had to do it and it might as well be me.

  5. BBD,
    Actually, I think I meant to call it “Swallow on a wire” but managed to get it wrong 🙂

  6. T-rev says:

    Lots of bird photos and other fauna,


    that I have taken, mostly from the veranda of our little 2 bedroom cottage,

    way off the grid (no wires to take photo’s of birds on) here in rural Australia.

    and good blog by the way 🙂

  7. T-rev,
    Thanks. That looks stunning.

  8. Rachel M says:

    You’ve got some nice pics of Aussie animals there. Australian animals are just the best. Except for the spiders of course. I don’t miss those 🙂

  9. BBD says:


    Actually, I think I meant to call it “Swallow on a wire” but managed to get it wrong 🙂

    I’m waiting for another charm contest competitor to tweet something about this… 😉

  10. T-rev says:

    Spiders ? Love ’em.. Keep the March Flies down. Weirdest animal.. Macleay’s Spectre…

    most interesting ? Two aggressive male goannas fighting for the affection of a lady friend. In the front yard ! Reminded me of a scene from Jurassic Park 🙂

  11. Sheila Rice says:

    Loved the photo – photo of the month is a great idea. From, the swallow in Simon’s Town!!

  12. Aaaah, now you’re embarassing me 🙂 (not really, of course)

  13. redbbs says:

    Don’t like Simon’s Town. Too many whales.

  14. Michael 2 says:

    Very nice. I love the way you captured the swallow’s fanned tail.

  15. Tony Duncan says:

    are you going to try and compete with Jules Annan?

  16. Tony,
    That wasn’t the plan 🙂

  17. Marco says:

    Jules Hargreaves.

  18. Pingback: My best photograph | …and Then There's Physics

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